Marc BeattieJul 28, 2020Feature: Marc Beattie - "I am (Saucy) Jack’s complete lack of Surprise"I’ve thought a lot, perhaps too much, about this idea of delineating the process of developing work, prior, post and in the Acoughalypse
Ansgar AllenJul 21, 2020Feature: Ansgar Allen - A distended crustConsciousness appears in this over-run, forgetful layer as a feature of structures bombarded with excitation and left open to its effects.
invert/extantJul 16, 2020Branwell: A novel of the Bronte brotherThere is a virtual launch with Darcy Steinke in conversation with Douglas A. Martin (author of Outline of My Lover, Acker, and the anti...
Jared Pappas-KelleyJul 14, 2020Interview: Zak Ferguson's Sweat Drenched InteriorsYes, we all must make our own underground, because there really is no avant-garde, no more room, or spaces allowed for the people
invert/extantJul 7, 2020Feature: Chris Kelso - Creatively Mourning the NovelThis ‘Dark Night of the Internet’s Soul’ is our new story written in HTML-code.
invert/extantJun 30, 2020Feature: Maureen McAdams - ‘Bulldozers, forming little colonies’I see the perpetrators as oppressors, bulldozers, forming little colonies and dictating movement.
invert/extantJun 29, 2020Zac's Drug Binge: The New GIF Novel from Dennis CooperOut today is Dennis Cooper's newest GIF novel over at Kiddiepunk press.(NSFW) From Kiddiepunk: ZAC’S DRUG BINGE represents an evolution...
invert/extantJun 3, 2020EAR WAVE EVENT: Bill Dietz in Art in AmericaDietz and Sullender fed a neural network thousands of articles from publications like Pitchfork, The Wire, and Spin...